11 Feb 2020

Wellbet News: Dembele wants to pay more for his injuries and he can return in 6 months

Wellbet en:Live broadcast February 12th Barcelona's French winger Dembele underwent surgical treatment on Tuesday. His attending doctor Le Peining was interviewed by the Spanish National Post after the operation. He talked about Dembele's Happening.

Lepainen said first, "When the wound is bigger, the old wound will be more likely to recur, because there are many factors that will affect it. Dembele needs more efforts to recover from the injury."

After that, Lepinen said frankly that he could not talk more. "I have a close relationship with the Barcelona club. There are many details that I cannot disclose. I do not like to talk about the possibility of a player's old injury recurring. My responsibility is to give him ( Dembele), I'm sure he can play again in 6 months. "

Finally, Lepinen said, "If a player is fast and makes a lot of sprints, we all know that the pressure on the muscles will be very great."

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